Wokingham Town Council comprises twenty-five councillors who represent the eight wards of the town.
The Town Councillors are elected every four years. Each year the Council elects one of their members to be the Town Mayor and Chairman of Council.
The Council delegates much of its business to the following Committees:
Amenities: Responsible for the Council’s facilities including parks, allotments, buildings, markets and playgrounds.
Arts & Culture: Encourages, supports and, in conjunction with other organisations, delivers artistic and cultural events to users of the Town Centre.
Civic: Makes decisions on matters relating to the Mayor’s Civic involvement with the Town Council. These include Mayoral Regalia, Civic Events such as Civic Awards, and the honorary staff members.
Finance & Personnel: An amalgamation of the former Finance & General Purposes and Personnel Committees.Controls the finances and general administration of the Council, setting and overseeing the budgets for the other Committees. Administers the allocation of Grants to Local Charities and Community projects. Also deals with all staffing matters, covering such areas as employment terms and conditions and authorising the recruitment of new staff. Members of the public and press are not permitted to attend when matters of a confidential nature are being discussed.
Planning & Transportation: This committee acts as a consultative body on Planning Applications, Development Proposals and Transport issues. This Committee is also responsible for the upkeep of some bus shelters and park benches in the town.
The Full Council meets at least five times a year and the Committees meet throughout the year. These meetings are open to the public and members of the public who are interested in particular matters may be invited to join as co-opted members on working parties. Details of all the Town Council’s meetings are published on the notice boards outside the Town Hall and on this website.
For further information please telephone the Town Council on 0118 978 3185
The Alderman & Corporation
When the Town Hall was opened in 1860, Wokingham was administered by an unelected Corporation consisting of an Alderman and about seven Burgesses. This small group met in the Council Chamber, now the Annexe.
The Borough Council with Mayor
In 1885, following the 1882 Act, Queen Victoria granted Wokingham a charter making it a Municipal Borough. This larger Council, initially elected by male suffrage, elected a Mayor. It held meetings in the Main Hall. With an expanding population and increased powers, Borough Council responsibilities grew. When the Police left in 1905, the Council bought accommodation from the County Council for offices. In 1965 much of the work was transferred to the new Council offices in Wellington Road.
The Town Council with Mayor
Under the act of 1972 much of the administration of the town was taken over by Wokingham District Council, now Wokingham Borough Council. Wokingham remained a Parish Council which, in view of its historic past, was given the title of Town Council and retained its Mayor, its coat of arms, its ceremonies and base in the Town Hall. Council meetings are still held in the Main Hall and the Council Chamber while the Mayor’s Parlour and Town Council offices occupy the other rooms. Other rooms are let to businesses and organisations and the Town Hall is licensed for wedding and civil partnership ceremonies.
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The Council delegates much of its business to the following Committees and they have regular meetings:
Amenities: Responsible for the Council’s facilities including parks, allotments, buildings, markets and playgrounds.
Members for 2024/25
Chair: Cllr Tony Lack
Vice Chair: Cllr Morag Malvern
Members: Cllrs Alexandra Fraser, Susan Cornish, Rachel Bishop-Firth, Matteo Fumagalli, Nagi Nagella, Annette Medhurst, Chetna Jamthe
Arts & Culture: Encourages, supports and, in conjunction with other organisations, delivers artistic and cultural events to users of the Town Centre.
Members for 2024/25
Chair: Cllr Barrie Callender
Vice-Chair: Cllr Alexandra Dominigue
Members: Cllrs Matteo Fumagalli, Alexandra Fraser, Morag Malvern, Maria Gee, Susan Cornish, Phil Cunnington, Alwyn Jones
Civic: Makes decisions on matters relating to the Mayor’s civic involvement and maintaining the Town Council traditions. These include the mayoral regalia and civic events such as Civic Awards.
Members for 2024/25
Chair: Cllr Keith Malvern
Vice Chair: Cllr Alwyn Jones
Members: Cllrs Rachel Bishop-Firth, Sally Gurney, Warren Dixon, Adrian Betteridge, Phil Cunnington, Tony Lack, Adrian Mather
The Finance & Personnel Committee: controls the finances and general administration of the Council, setting and overseeing the budgets for the other Committees. It administers the allocation of grants to local charities and community projects. The Committee also deals with all staffing matters, covering such areas as employment terms and conditions and authorising the recruitment of new staff.
Members for 2024/25
Chair: Cllr Maria Gee
Vice-Chair: Cllr Basit Alvi
Members: Cllrs Tony Lack, Robert Comber, Heather Richards, Sally Gurney, Imogen Shepherd-Dubey, Barrie Callender, Keith Malvern
The Planning & Transportation Committee : Wokingham Town Council is a Statutory Consultee for Planning Applications, Development Proposals and Transport issues arising within the boundaries of the town. The Town Council delegates responsibility for dealing with these matters to the Planning & Transportation (P&T) Committee. The P&T Committee is also responsible for the upkeep of some bus shelters and park benches in the Town. The P&T Committee studies all Consultations affecting the town.
Members for 2024/25
Chair: Cllr Imogen Shepherd-Dubey
Vice Chair: Cllr Nagi Nagella
Members: Cllrs Adrian Betteridge, Chetna Jamthe, Andy Croy, Warren Dixon, Basit Alvi, Heather Richards, Louise Timlin
What matters to you in your local area?
Is it the state of the local park, the need for more activities for young people, improving services for older people, making the roads safer or ensuring that local businesses can thrive?
Whatever needs changing in your neighbourhood, you could be just the person to change it by becoming a local councillor. No other role gives you a chance to make such a huge difference to quality of life for people in your local area.
Find out more from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and the Be A Councillor web site.
A short video on becoming a councillor from NALC