To address bike theft in the Town, a project was initiated by Wokingham Town Council’s Planning & Transport Committee in 2022. This was to install a number of secure bike lockers. The project was a joint venture with Wokingham Borough Council & MyJourney.

The supplier chosen were SpokeSafe as they could deliver a fully managed system which could be accessed via a web app.

A Locker can be hired for £1 a day. There are also options to purchase discounted weekly and monthly hires. It is £5 for a week & £15 for a month.

There are 8 Secure Cycle Lockers. 4 are in Denmark Street Car Park (by Lord Ralan Pub) & 4 are in Carnival Hub.

Register for Access at Enter details and have a form of identification ready (Driving Licence or Passport)

Access the site and Select ‘Make a Booking’ Select the day and site required. The App will show availability.

For urgent enquiries call:

020 3488 0060

For all booking enquiries (including cancellations and extensions) or forgotten passwords please email:

For membership, access, and all other enquiries, please email: