Please Note: Waiting time to be offered a plot is 36-48 months given exceptional demand
If you live in Earley, Shinfield, Winnersh or Woodley please contact your respective parish or town council to apply for an allotment. Do note Wokingham Borough Council plays no part in the letting or management of allotment plots.
Allotment Competition 2023 Photos
Water use… advice from the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners
Wokingham Town Council currently has Eight sites at:
Ormonde Road (197 plots)
St Paul’s Gate (24 plots)
Latimer Road (60 plots)
Gipsy Lane (88 plots)
Mulberry Grove (28 plots)
Binfield Road (42 plots)
Ifould Crescent (29 plots)
Penny Row (23 plots)
Allotment Documents
Title | File Size | Link |
Gipsy Lane Allotments Plan | 1 MB | |
Tips On Saving Water | 312 KB |
Goole Maps of our Allotments
If you are unsure of what can be grown on an allotment the average size plot (5 poles) can easily accommodate the following:
2 rows new potatoes
2 rows early carrots
1 row parsnips
2 rows runner beans
1 gooseberry bush
12 raspberry canes
2 rows butternut squash
1 row lettuce (throughout season)
1 row French dwarf beans
12 strawberry plants
2 blackcurrant bushes
The Wokingham Horticultural Association is always pleased to give help and advice. Details of the organisation will be sent with the agreement if you decide to rent an allotment. The Horticultural Association also has a trading store at the Ormonde Road site which is open mainly at weekends for advice, purchases of materials and such like.
The annual cost of an average plot (2.5 poles) from 1st November 2023 for residents who live within the town of Wokingham is £25.84 plus an additional charge of £2.50 for the use of mains fed water.
Our allotments are available to residents of the town of Wokingham and the parishes of Arborfield and Barkham. They are very popular and there is currently a waiting list of around 36-48 months. For further information please complete the form below. Please note that if you live in other parts of the borough of Wokingham e.g. Earley, you should contact your relevant town or parish council for details of allotments to rent, in the first instance.
Wokingham In Bloom Allotments Competition 2019 Winners
If you are interested in an Allotment please complete this form below.