Investigate the science behind your favourite fairytales with Catherine Cawthorne

Do you have a favourite fairytale? Have you ever read it and thought, could that actually happen? Just think for a minute. Could you really dance in a pair of shoes made of glass? What happens to gingerbread houses in the pouring rain? Are big ears really better for hearing with?

Join Catherine Cawthorne as she discusses the Big Bad Wolf’s investigations into the science behind lots of fantastical faiytales . This event will combine your love of stories, science and of course the odd demonstration of two.

This event is in person. Approx 45 mins for talk then followed by a book signing.

Event timeAge RangeEvent (click link to book)
Sunday 20th October 10am5 – 11Investigate the science behind your favourite fairytales with Catherine Cawthorne

Catherine Cawthorne always wanted to be an author like Jo March from Little Women, or Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables. But then she also wanted to be a toothpaste tester and to own a cafĂ© called Hot Plate selling hot Ribena and Wispas. She spent most of her childhood either up a tree, reading, or forming secret societies in her best friend’s shed. Catherine currently lives in Guildford with her husband and her three children.