Christopher Nibble with Charlotte Middleton

Christopher Nibble loves munching dandelion leaves, and he’s not alone. All the guinea pigs in Dandeville eat dandelion leaves for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But no-one seems to do anything when the dandelions begin to dwindle. One day, Christopher Nibble discovers the very last dandelion in Dandeville and promises to look after it.

Charlotte will introduce children to the world of Christopher Nibble with interactive readings from her books followed by a Q and A session.

This event is in person. Approx 45 mins for talk then followed by a book signing.

Event timeAge RangeEvent (click link to book)
Sunday 20th October 1:30pm3 to 5Christopher Nibble with Charlotte Middleton

Charlotte Middleton loved drawing when she was at school and would regularly illustrate her spelling and times table test papers. She went on to study Graphic Art with English, and then specialised in Illustration at the Cambridge School of Art.

Her first book, Tabitha’s Terrifically Tough Tooth, was published in 1998 and since then she has written and illustrated more than 15 books. Charlotte’s stories have been sold all over the world and she would like to be as well travelled as her books one day. Her latest titles Christopher Nibble and Christopher’s Caterpillars were inspired by guinea pigs Charlotte owned when she was a child.