Julia Donaldson Storytime with the Enchanted Players

The Enchanted Players Theatre Company will lead the audience though a selection of Julia Donaldson’s popular tales. With drama and puppets, props and music you will have lots of fun and plenty of interaction.

This event is in person. Approx 1 hour for the event. Books will be available for sale but there will be no book signing.
Doors will open from 10am due to the large venue.

Event TimeAge RangeEvent (Click Link to book)
Saturday 19th October 10:30am3 to 7Julia Donaldson Storytime with the Enchanted Players

Victoria G Ruskin – Clements is the founder of Enchanted Players Theatre Company, est. 2009.

Prior to opening EPTC Victoria worked in television, film and the world of theatre from the age of 6. She has worked as the costume designer for many feature films starring famous household names, as well as working as script supervisor/continuity co-coordinator and an actress for many others. Victoria entertains for London companies on top of running her own Theatre company.

She has two children, was married on the Winter solstice and is a great believer in Fae, folklore and giving children beautiful happy childhoods. Victoria makes the majority of the costumes used by EPTC and many of the companies plays are written or adapted in house by Victoria and her team.