Wonderous Words Writing Workshop – Learn how to write with Rowan Foxwood

The pen is mightier than the sword, but just as hard to wield, and while everyone has a tale to tell, getting words on the page can be a whole other story! Join professional word-wrangler and story spinner, Rowan Foxwood, for a crash-course in creativity, wordsmithing and story-telling, and start your writing journey today. Rowan is the author of Heart-Seer: The Tale of Anise Star.

Event timeAge RangeEvent (click link to book)
Sunday 20th October 3pm8 – 12Wonderous Words Writing Workshop – Learn how to write with Rowan Foxwood

Rowan Foxwood is a Lecturer of Creative Writing , and holds a Masters in Writing for Children. Born into a family of globe-trotters, her world-wide travels as a child inspired a deep love of mythology, fairy tales and folklore that has saturated her writing. Settled now in the south of England, Rowan continues to indulge her wanderlust whenever possible, seeking out new myths and legends whereever she goes. She can easily be ensnared with the promise of books, cats and a nice cup of tea. Heart-Seer: The Tale of Anise Star is her first book for children.