
Wokingham Town Council maintains a number of parks and open spaces for the benefit of the community. The parks are inspected regularly, and remedial works are scheduled as required to remove any diseased or unsafe trees and plant replacements.

Click the image below to see a map of our parks.

Wokingham Town Hall, with its elegant Grade II* listed Victorian cross-beamed main hall is a stunning venue for your special occasion offering a variety of rooms that cater for small intimate weddings or larger more formal occasions.  

We have many varied events throughout the year. Many are free. Select the event of your choice from…

Wokingham in Bloom 2023 update

In 2022 Wokingham in Bloom won it’s first-ever regional GOLD award for a large town in the Britain in Bloom Thames and Chiltern competition. It’s taken us 10 years to get this far, but…