The Town Mayor is the first citizen of the town and is elected to the post by fellow Councillors at the Town Council’s annual meeting in May each year. The role of Mayor is a non-political position and during the mayoral year, a Mayor puts aside council duties to concentrate on the role as the town’s first citizen.

The Mayor chairs Council meetings and attends many functions within the town. These include representing the Council at civic functions, receiving dignitaries, opening events, talking to clubs and societies and visiting schools. The Mayor asks the Deputy Mayor to stand in if they are not available.

The current Mayor is Councillor Rob Comber
The current Deputy Mayor is Councillor Louise Timlin

Cllr Rob Comber says: “I am particularly pleased to be taking office at this time, the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the role of Wokingham Town Mayor.

Over these fifty years Wokingham has changed significantly, due to both national and local factors, and I hope that throughout that time, it has been a friendly and welcoming place.  Certainly in the thirty years that I have lived in the town itself, I have found it a wonderful place to live, to work, and to have a family.  I put myself forward for election to the Town Council, and later for the role of Mayor, because I wanted to help ensure it remains so for the next generation.  

For me, one of the wonderful aspects of the Town Council is that a large part of what we do is focused around bringing the community together, and to create opportunities to improve the experience of living here for all the residents of the town.  From the marvellous Wokingham Fun Day, which provides a lot of free entertainment for the children of the town, through the summer Party in the Park, which is for all ages, to the Firework evening, all parts of the town can, and do, come together.  From the recently established Lunar Festival, through Wokingham in Bloom, to the Christmas tree lights, we strive to enhance everyone’s experience of Wokingham.  

One of the things I have found in my work for the council is the sheer number of people in Wokingham who are involved in charities, in support groups, and who contribute in whatever way they feel they can.  I have been both astonished and considerably humbled by the generosity of so many people who have given of their time, effort, and money, in support of everything from the young to the old, from open spaces to individual trees, in groups large and small.   A year ago, I did not know whether I would have the time, the commitment, or the drive to be Mayor.  Now I know I do.  I am honoured to have been elected as Mayor of this wonderful town.

If there is anything I can do to help, as Mayor, by attending your organisation’s events, or otherwise contributing, please contact me at”


2023 Sally Gurney

2022 Maria Gee

2021 Tony Lack

2020 Tony Lack

2019 Lynn Forbes

2018 Julian McGhee-Sumner

2017   Peter Lucey

2016   Gwynneth Hewetson

2015   Philip Mirfin

2014   Martin Bishop

2013   Martin Bishop

2012   Peter Martin Lucey

2011   Peter Martin Lucey

2010   UllaKarin Clark

2009   UllaKarin Clark

2008   Brian Willis

2007   Brian Willis

2006   Dianne King

2005   H (Danny) Miller

2004   H (Danny) Miller

2003   Philip Norman Harding

2002   Linda Barnes

2001   Anthony Barber

2000   Anthony Barber

1999   Frederick William Clark

1998   Philip Norman Harding

1997   Jack Lawrence Earnshaw

1996   Tina Marinos

1995   Ann Amanda Davis

1994   Charles Philip Hudson

1993   Charles Philip Hudson

1992   Robert John Wyatt

1991   Jeanne Burnett-Wilson

1990   Frederick William Clark

1989   Frederick William Clark

1988   John Peter Green

1987   John Peter Green

1986   Marion Fergusson Kelly

1985   Keith Cattran

1984   Ann Amanda Davis

1983   David Rees Ireland

1982   David Rees Ireland

1981   William Frederick Donald Austin

1980   Marion Fergusson Kelly

1979   John Debenham Butcher

1978   Peter Alexander Henton Johnson

1977   Robert Benjamin Naish

1976   Margaret Büsst

1975   Alfred George Skedgel

1974   John William Tattersall


1973   Stanley Leonard Bowyer

1972   Ian Robert Henry Crail

1971   Reginald Child

1970   Edward John West

1969   Horace Alfred Chapman

1968   Jean Marjorie Davy

1967   Ernest Everitt Bland

1966   William Charles Arthur Smith

1965   John Edwin Chapman

1964   John Edwin Chapman

1963   Phyllys Pleasance Pigott

1962   Phyllys Pleasance Pigott

1961   Phyllys Pleasance Pigott

1960   Alfred George Skedgel

1959   Frank Moles

1958   Frank Moles

1957   Ernest William Goodchild

1956   Cecily Elizabeth Arnold La Bouchardière

1955   William John Willey

1954   Reginald Hooper Brimblecombe

1953   Walter Granville Jackson

1952   Albert Thomas Ilott

1951   William John Willey

1950   Stanley Leonard Bowyer

1949   Mary Hay Corfield

1948   Mary Hay Corfield

1947   Mary Hay Corfield

1946   Norman Carson Lawrence

1945   David Goddard

1944   Walter Charles Fullbrook

1943   George Alfred Cheeseman

1942   Ernest William Reeves

1941   Ernest William Reeves

1940   Ernest William Reeves

1939   Ernest William Reeves

1938   James Egerton Thorpe

1937   Frank Stanley Perkins

1936   Frederick John Barrett

1935   Frederick John Barrett

1934   Henley Frank Curl

1933   Charles Mansfield

1932   Albert Ebenezer Priest

1931   Albert Ebenezer Priest

1930   Albert Ebenezer Priest

1929   Albert Ebenezer Priest

1928   Ernest Seward Whaley

1927   John Bridges Eustace

1926   John Bridges Eustace

1925   John Bridges Eustace

1924   John Bridges Eustace

1923   John Bridges Eustace

1922   Moses Blake

1921   Moses Blake

1920   Philip Sale

1919   William Thomas Martin

1918   Henry Charles Mylne

1917   Henry Charles Mylne

1916   Henry Charles Mylne

1915   Henry Charles Mylne

1914   Henry Charles Mylne

1913   Henry Charles Mylne

1912   William Thomas Martin

1911   William Thomas Martin

1910   Henry Charles Mylne

1909   Daniel Norton Heron

1908   Daniel Norton Heron

1907   Henry Charles Mylne

1906   William Thomas Martin

1905   Henry Charles Mylne

1904   Henry Charles Mylne

1903   John Headington

1902   Edwin Cecil Hughes

1901   Edwin Cecil Hughes

1900   Edwin Cecil Hughes

1899   Thomas Manley Wescott

1898   William White

1897   Daniel Norton Heron

1896   George Thorne Phillips

1895   Edwin Ifould

1894   George Thorne Phillips

1893   William Barnard Mower

1892   William White

1891   Tyndale William Heelas

1890   Daniel Norton Heron

1889   William Moorcock

1888   Thomas Briant Martin

1887   William Goodchild

1886   Thomas Manley Wescott

1885   Thomas Manley Wescott

The Mayor’s Chaplain is chosen by the Mayor, and is an honorary title

They offer prayers/thoughts before Council meetings and relevant occasions, and provide ad-hoc support to Mayors, as requested.

Below is a list of the former Chaplains:

2023/2024Helen JefferiesHumanist Celebrant
2021/2022Reverend Judi HattawaySt. Paul’s Church
2020/2021Reverend Judi HattawaySt. Paul’s Church
2019/2020Reverend Hannah HigginsonAll Saints Church
2018/2019 Reverend Mthr Julie Mintern St. Paul’s Church
2017/2018Reverend Catherine BowsteadMethodist Church
2016/2017Reverend Anna HarwoodAll Saints Church
2015/2016Father Richard LameySt. Paul’s Church
2014/2015Reverend Nick HudsonBaptist Church
2013/2014Reverend Nick HudsonBaptist Church
2012/2013Reverend Nick ThompsonMethodist Church
2011/2012Reverend Nick ThompsonMethodist Church
2010/2011Reverend David WebsterSt. Nicholas Church, Earley
2009/2010Reverend David WebsterSt. Nicholas Church, Earley
2008/2009Major Lynn HawkinsThe Salvation Army
2007/2008Reverend Ken FloodSt. Paul’s Church
2006/2007Father John ConnellSt. Paul’s Church
2005/2006Father John ConnellSt. Paul’s Church
2004/2005Reverend Paul CowanAll Saints Church
2003/2004Reverend Bryan CoatesMethodist Church
2002/2003Captains Ian and Susan WoodgateThe Salvation Army
2001/2002Reverend Bryan CoatesMethodist Church
2000/2001Reverend Professor Anthony KempSt. Paul’s Church

The Mayor is keen to support local organisations, businesses and charities and is always pleased to receive an invitation to attend a special event.

The Mayor / Deputy Mayor will wear his / her chain and badge of office unless we are advised that it is not required.

Please read the guidelines about Mayoral Protocol, which can be found in item below

If you would like the Mayor to attend your function, please complete the form below and click the Submit button.

Mr Graham Winder
Civic and Town Mayor′s Office
Town Hall
Market Place
RG40 1AS

These guidelines set out the protocol that should be observed at events which the Mayor attends in an official capacity.  


As the Mayor is the first citizen of the Town, this means that only HM The Queen, members of the Royal Family and the Lord Lieutenant take precedence over the Mayor at events in the Town.

However the Wokingham Borough Mayor, if present, will always take precedence over the Town and Parish Chairman, unless the Town Council or Parish is hosting the event. Wokingham Borough has 14 Parish and 3 Town Councils, each with their own Chairman or Mayor.

The Deputy Mayor

If the Mayor is unable to attend a function the Deputy Mayor will attend where possible and should be accorded the same protocol as the Mayor.

Arrival and departure

If you are inviting the Mayor to your event, you should ensure that a named person meets the Mayor on arrival and makes introductions to the host or notable guests. It would also be preferable for the Mayor to be escorted from the venue at the time of departure. Where possible, a parking space should be reserved for the Mayor’s car as near to the venue entrance as possible.

Addressing the Mayor

The Mayor’s correct title is The Worshipful the Mayor of Wokingham Town Council.

The style of address for civic posts is largely a matter of custom and tradition and as Wokingham is a very traditional town where a Mayor has been present since 1885, people commonly address the Mayor as “Your worship” as has been done for a number of years.

However, there are a number of variations for addressing the Mayor including the following, all of which may be used and are correct:

  • “Mr Mayor”
  • “Mr Town Mayor”
  • “Madam Mayor” (if the Mayor is a lady)
  • “Madam Town Mayor” (if the Mayor is a lady)
  • “Your Worship”
  • “Your Worshipful the Town Mayor of Wokingham” (more formal situations)

Below are some recommendations to help you:

For correspondence:

‘Your Worshipful the Town Mayor of Wokingham, Councillor (and their name).’/p>

Then ‘Dear Mr Mayor’ or ‘Dear Madam Mayor’

For introductions at a formal dinner or function:

‘Your Worshipful the Town Mayor of Wokingham, Councillor (and their name).

After formal introductions, it is acceptable for people to use one of the above forms of address.

Less formal event, e.g. opening school fete, new premises:

“Mr Mayor’ or ‘Madam Mayor’

Where both the Wokingham Town Mayor and the Borough Mayor are present at an event, a formal distinction should be made and it is suggested that the Town Mayor is addressed as “Mr/Madam Town Mayor.”

The Mayor’s Attendant

Mace bearer
Mayor’s attendant

The Mayor’s Attendant will accompany the Mayor to most engagements where he/she is wearing the Chain of Office. Their role is to primarily safeguard the chain.

The current Mayor’s Attendant is Mr David Dunham.

Table seating

In any formal seating arrangements (dinners, etc), the Mayor should be seated on the immediate right of the host/chairperson, with the only exception being when the Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire is present, a member of the Royal family or the Borough Mayor, in which case the Mayor should be on the immediate left of the chairman. The Mayoress (or Mayor’s Consort) should be seated on the immediate left of the chairman, except when the Mayor sits on the chairman’s left, in which case the Mayoress (or Consort) should sit on the Mayor’s left.

Toasts and speeches

If you wish the Mayor to propose or respond to a toast or to make a speech prior notice must be given and further details should be supplied on the questionnaire booking form.

The press

If it is important for the press to attend an event where the Mayor is attending, please contact them directly.

Each year the Mayor chooses a charity to support during his or her year in office. This year the Mayor has chosen Share Wokingham.

If you would like to make a donation to the Mayor’s Charity, please contact the Civic Officer

The following charities have been supported in previous years:

2023/24Berkshire Search and Rescue Dogs
2022/232022/23 Kaleidoscopic UK
2020/213rd Wokingham, Mayor’s Own, Scout Group
2019/20 Diana Brimblecombe Animal Rescue Centre
2018/19 Wokingham Foodbank and The Link visiting Scheme
2017/18 WADE and Keep Mobile.
2015/16Macmillan Cancer Care
2014/15High Close School, Wokingham (Barnardo’s)
2013/14Scouting and Girl Guiding in Wokingham
2012/13Wokingham & District Association for the Elderly
2011/12Wokingham Citizens Advice Bureau
2010/11Wokingham Crossroads Care 
2009/10Stroke Rehabilitation Unit at Wokingham Hospital  
2008/09The Me2Club 
2007/08The Alzheimer’s Society 
2006/07Wokingham District Cancer Care Trust 
2005/06Make a Wish 
2004/05Dingley Family and Play Therapy Group 
2003/04Wokingham Hospital Pavillion Appeal
2001/02Imperial Cancer Research Fund
2000/01Wokingham United Charities
1999/00Wokingham Partially Sighted

The Mini-Mayor role is an initiative where the Town Council works with Wokingham primary schools to select a Year 6 pupil to become Mini-Mayor during their school year.  Once appointed, the Mini-Mayor attends some key Wokingham events with the Mayor and we see this as a great opportunity for a young pupil to play a bigger part in the community and be a real role model and ambassador for  their school. The current Mini-Mayor is Celia Chandler from Evendons Primary School.

The following pupils were appointed in previous years:

2023/2024 Leah Vas (Floreat Montague Park Primary School)

2022/23 Jayden Hawie (Windmill Primary School)

2021/22 Joseph Gallagher (St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School)

2019/20 Stanley Shambrook (Evendons)

2018/19 Amber Murray (Westende)

2017/18 Caitlyn Hyde (St. Paul’s)

2016/17 Elysia Ellis (Westende)

2015/16 George Bradley (Hawthorns)

2014/15   Joseph Southan (St Teresa’s)

2013/14   Lucy Parker (Hawthorns)


Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenants are the representatives of the Crown for each county in the United Kingdom.

Click here to find out more.

The current Lord-Lieutenant of the Royal County of Berkshire is Mr Andrew Try.

The Town Council invites the Lord-Lieutenant to attend key events but he is understandably not able to be present at them all.

High Sheriff

The role of the High Sheriff is an independent non-political Royal appointment for a single year. The origins of the Office date back to Saxon times, when the ‘Shire Reeve’ was responsible to the king for the maintenance of law and order within the shire, or county, and for the collection and return of taxes due to the Crown. Today, there are 55 High Sheriffs serving the counties of England and Wales each year.

Click here to find out more.

Berkshire’s High Sheriff for 2024/2025 is Alexander Barfield

The Town Council invites the High Sheriff to attend key events.

High Steward

High Steward
High Steward

Unlike the High Sheriff, the role of High Steward does not change each year; the position is for life or at such time he/she feels that are unable to continue with the office.  Each has its own coat of arms which can be seen inside the Town Hall.

Historically, a High Steward would have been an eminent man, who was a medium of communication between the Crown, the government and the town.  In more modern terms he would have the ear of the king and government ministers and would “lobby” on behalf of the inhabitants of Wokingham.   This is not the case anymore although the High Steward today should still be an eminent man or woman, and should be someone who can get involved with all the people of note in the town.

The High Steward of Wokingham is Lucy Zeal who was appointed in 2018

We can offer talks to local groups of adults, schoolchildren, cubs and scouts, brownies and guides etc.

We will show each group the main rooms in the Town Hall and talk about its history. Some of the Town Silver will be displayed, including the Mace and also the Mayoral robe, hat and Badge of Office. If the Mayor is available when a talk takes place, he/she will also attend.

A typical talk typically takes approximately one hour and once finished, the group is offered some refreshments. However, talks can be tailored to reflect requirements, size of group etc.


The Civic Award Scheme was initiated in 1997 for the purposes of recognising exceptional contributions to community life by people in our town.

Each year, the Town Council looks for people who deserve recognition for their outstanding achievements and support to others in Wokingham.  This is your opportunity to give something back to those who care.

Click here to see a list of award recipients in previous years.

What we are looking for

We are looking for Wokingham people from all parts of our community and of all ages, who have made an exceptional contribution to our town.

We are looking for those who have:

  • worked to make Wokingham a truly welcoming and inclusive town
  • provided exceptional service to their family or community
  • added to the cultural life of the town
  • found ways of making us a more environmentally friendly and sustainable town

Some examples may include:

  • making Wokingham a better place to live and work, and ensuring that the benefits of the town are open to all
  • building bridges between different parts of the community and increasing tolerance and understanding
  • caring for the wellbeing and safety of others and enhancing the wellbeing and safety of those who live in the town
  • enhancing the education and development of young people and children
  • making us a more environmentally friendly town
  • helping others to enjoy the history and heritage of the town
  • enhancing and increasing access to and participation in arts, including music and creative leisure activities
  • enhancing and increasing access to and participation in sport, physical activity and recreational pursuits

The Award process and Ceremony

The nomination process is open from March to November each year.

An on-line nomination form is required to be completed for each individual who is being recommended for an award. Two people are required to make a nomination, and each is required to complete the on-line form below, separately.

The nominations will be judged in early December, by a selection panel of judges which include representatives from the community, members of Wokingham Town Council’s Civic Committee and the High Steward of Wokingham.

Successful nominees will be notified by Friday 20th December 2024 and they will be invited to an Awards Ceremony at Wokingham’s Town Hall on Friday 24th January 2025 at 7.30pm.  The Town Mayor will present the winners with an award which will be engraved with their name.  Photographs will be taken during the evening.

The people recommending successful candidates will also be invited to the ceremony and one person will be asked to give a citation to share why they have nominated the individual.

Please note: if no nominations are received or if it is decided that no nominees are eligible for a civic award then a ceremony will not be held.

A ceremony will only be held for two or more successful nominees. If there is only one successful nominee, their civic award will be presented and they will be invited to attend the following year’s ceremony.

Criteria for nominations

  • Nominees for a Civic Award may be of any age but they should reside in the town of Wokingham, or their voluntary work should be for an individual or organisation based within the town
  • Under 18s may be nominated for a Young Persons Award
  • The voluntary work should have been carried out for a minimum of 3 years (unless there are exceptional circumstances), and not connected to their employment
  • If under 18s are nominated, the judging panel may consider a reduced length of time for their contributions
  • Whilst it is acceptable for more than one individual from the same organisation to be nominated for a Civic Award, any nominees should be individuals whose voluntary work is over and above other members within the organisation
  • The voluntary work should be current and been carried out in recent years; it will not be possible to recognise historical achievements
  • Couples may be nominated on one form (if successful, they will each receive an award)
  • Wokingham Town Councillors, their employees and previous winners are not eligible (please check the list of recipients before submitting a nomination)
    • A previous recipient of a civic award can be re-considered after a five-year period, provided their latest nomination is for a substantially different reason than for the original award
  • Town Councillors should not nominate individuals; requests should be submitted by members of the community only
  • Nominations will not be accepted from family members unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  • The judges’ decisions are final

Submitting a nomination form

Before completing the form, please note the following:

  • The information you provide will form the basis on which the nominee is judged so please provide as much information as possible about why the individual is being nominated, including examples
  • We strongly recommend that you are very careful about sharing this information with any friends and family of the nominee to avoid any disappointment should the nomination be unsuccessful
  • All nominations must be made using the online application form.

Please complete the Form Here

Please remember two people are required to make a nomination and each is required to complete this on-line form separately.

If it is not possible for you to complete a nomination in this way, please contact the Civic Officer on 0118 974 0882 to discuss. Or email –

The deadline for applications for the 2024-25 Civic Awards is Friday 29th November 2024.  No applications will be accepted after this date.