Wokingham Town Council is once again in search of people and organisations from all parts of our community and of all ages, who have made an exceptional contribution to our town.

We are looking for those who have:

  • worked to make Wokingham a truly welcoming and inclusive town
  • provided exceptional service to their family or community
  • added to the cultural life of the town

This is your opportunity to give something back to those who care.

An official ceremony will take place on Friday 26 January 2024 when the Town Mayor will present awards to successful nominees.

For full criteria see www.wokingham-tc.gov.uk/civic.  The on-line nomination form can be found in the Civic Award section.  If anyone is unable to complete this on-line, please get in touch with the Civic Officer at civic@wokingham-tc.gov.uk or telephone 0118 974 0882 to discuss.

The deadline is Friday 24 November 2023.

Cllr Adrian Mather (Chairman of Civic Committee) commented: “Wokingham Town Council takes great pride in recognising those who have significantly supported our Wokingham community.  I encourage you all to think of people you know who have helped others and nominate them to be considered for this important award.”

Cllr Sally Gurney (Town Mayor) commented: “I have met so many people in Wokingham who undertake such valuable voluntary work with enthusiasm and grace. It will be an honour to meet those people who have been nominated to receive an award, We would like your help to nominate these people so that Wokingham Town Council can thank them personally.