The Council delegates much of its business to the following Committees and they have regular meetings:
Amenities: Responsible for the Council’s facilities including parks, allotments, buildings, markets and playgrounds.
Members for 2024/25
Chair: Cllr Tony Lack
Vice Chair: Cllr Morag Malvern
Members: Cllrs Alexandra Fraser, Susan Cornish, Rachel Bishop-Firth, Chetna Jamthe, Matteo Fumagalli, Nagi Nagella, Annette Medhurst
Arts & Culture: Encourages, supports and, in conjunction with other organisations, delivers artistic and cultural events to users of the Town Centre.
Members for 2023/24
Chair: Cllr Barrie Callender
Vice-Chair: Cllr Alexander Dominigue
Members: Cllrs Matteo Fumagalli, Alexandra Fraser, Morag Malvern, Maria Gee, Susan Cornish, Phil Cunnington, Alwyn Jones
Civic: Makes decisions on matters relating to the Mayor’s civic involvement and maintaining the Town Council traditions. These include the mayoral regalia and civic events such as Civic Awards.
Members for 2023/24
Chair: Cllr Keith Malvern
Vice Chair: Cllr Alwyn Jones
Members: Cllrs Rachel Bishop-Firth, Sally Gurney, Warren Dixon, Adrian Betteridge, Phil Cunnington, Margaret Lucey, Tony Lack
The Finance & Personnel Committee: controls the finances and general administration of the Council, setting and overseeing the budgets for the other Committees. It administers the allocation of grants to local charities and community projects. The Committee also deals with all staffing matters, covering such areas as employment terms and conditions and authorising the recruitment of new staff.
Members for 2023/24
Chair: Cllr Maria Gee
Vice-Chair: Cllr Basit Alvi
Members: Cllrs Tony Lack, Robert Comber, Heather Richards, Sally Gurney, Keith Malvern, Imogen Shepherd-Dubey, Barrie Callender
The Planning & Transportation Committee : Wokingham Town Council is a Statutory Consultee for Planning Applications, Development Proposals and Transport issues arising within the boundaries of the town. The Town Council delegates responsibility for dealing with these matters to the Planning & Transportation (P&T) Committee. The P&T Committee is also responsible for the upkeep of some bus shelters and park benches in the Town. The P&T Committee studies all Consultations affecting the town.
Members for 2023/24
Chair: Cllr Imogen Shepherd-Dubey
Vice Chair: Cllr Nagi Nagella
Members: Cllrs Adrian Betteridge, Heather Richards, Andy Croy, Warren Dixon, Basit Alvi, Chetna Jamthe, Louise Timlin