Grants for Voluntary Organisations
Wokingham Town Council has two grant schemes:
Main Council Grants (see details below) and a Culture and Community Grant scheme. Click here for details on the Culture and Community Grant Scheme.
Applications for the council’s main grant scheme has now closed.
Wokingham Town Council’s Vision is:
‘To embrace our past, celebrate our present and build for our future.’
Principles and Priorities:
Being sustainable
Working to reduce our negative impact on our local environment and use our financial
resources and physical assets as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Involving everyone
Striving to ensure the council’s events, activities and democratic processes are open,
accessible and welcoming to everyone in our community.
Fostering Town Pride
Protecting, enhancing and celebrating what’s good about our council, our community, our
town and our heritage. We will learn from our past, acknowledge where there’s room for
improvement, and prepare for the future.
Enriching community
Creating and supporting opportunities to bring our community together and help it to thrive.
Any spending and activity that the Council engages in focuses on delivering its Vision, and the Council is keen to align its Grant spending to support those organisations which can demonstrate how their work also supports this Vision for our town.
Applicants should be aware that the Council receives a high level of requests but looks forward to receiving these and makes the commitment to consider them all individually and with care.
We would recommend that applicants read the Grants Policy and Criteria For Applications below before completing the online application form at the bottom of this page.
Please note grants will only be made to cover activities by organisations that benefit the residents of Wokingham Town.
- Applications will only be accepted from organisations such as voluntary bodies and organisations, which operate within the Town Council’s boundary and provide direct benefit to all or some of its inhabitants (please see the ‘Grants Policy’ document above for details of the town area).
- The Town Council must be provided with evidence on the number of inhabitants who reside within the town’s boundary and who would directly benefit by the award of a grant.
- The Town Council cannot guarantee a grant to any organisation and will review each and every application, which is judged on its merits. Please see details of the grant scoring matrix included in the Grant Policy document.
- Applications from individuals will not be considered if the benefit is personal and will only be considered if they will bring clear and positive benefit(s) to the town community. The Committee will carefully scrutinise individual applications.
- A grant cannot be given for political purposes.
- A grant cannot be given just to promote publicity.
- A grant from a parish/town council cannot be given to contribute to a charity or public service body operating overseas, or to a fund established to assist people outside the UK.
- All voluntary bodies and organisations, which are seeking assistance must supply a set of accounts for the previous year’s activity. Those applying for an amount in excess of £1,000 must submit a written report, annual report or set of accounts within 12 months of receipt of a grant.
- Council also has the right to ask recipients of grants, irrespective of the amount, for a statement on how the money is being spent and can also ask for financial information prior to actually giving a grant.
- Applicants should be aware that the Town Council will determine its total budget for grants on an annual basis.
- If your work involves children or vulnerable adults, please ensure all safeguarding matters, related to your project/activity, are covered by a child/vulnerable adults safeguarding policy, a copy of which should be included with your application.