Diamond Jubilee Room
Diamond Jubilee Room

Rooms and Halls for Hire

The Council can provide rooms and halls for hire for use by both community and commercial organisations as well as for individual use.

Free WiFi is available in all these rooms.

There is a ‘no smoking’ policy in all buildings owned and operated by the Town Council.

Contact the Information Centre for booking information and availability. See each venue for cost of hire.

TitleFile SizeLink
Town Hall Room Charges from January 2025720 KB
Woosehill Room Charges from January 2025516 KB

Town Hall – Market Place

A variety of rooms are available in the Victorian Town Hall and there is access by lift to the first floor.

reme room
Diamond Jubilee Room
Diamond Jubilee Room
Main Hall
Main Hall
Council Chamber
Council Chamber
Town Hall Kitchen
Town Hall Kitchen

There is no parking at the Town Hall, but public car parks are a two minute walk away.
Car parks are controlled by Wokingham Borough Council. Please visit their web site for details of charges and length of stay.

For satnav users the Town Hall postcode is RG40 1AS.

We hope you enjoy your event at the Town Hall.

Woosehill Community Hall – Emmview Close (behind the Morrisons Store)

woosehill hall

Woosehill Community Hall is used by a variety of clubs and organisations throughout the day and evening.

Woosehill Community Hall can be hired for activities, clubs and parties.  Please be aware that children’s parties are not permitted beyond primary school age, including teens.

  • Main Hall (holds up to 150 for a function/100 seated)
  • Committee Room (holds up to 25 for a meeting)
  • Upstairs Hall (holds up to 35 for a meeting)
  • Kitchen

Take a virtual tour of the building:

For satnav users the postcode is RG41 3DA.

Emmbrook Village Hall

Emmbrook Village Hall is run as a registered charity on the Town Council’s behalf by a voluntary Management Committee.

Please visit their site for bookings and enquieries
